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3672 - Fagus

Origin: traveler

Nature: reserved

Gender: male

Collection: MYO

Designer: ninejays, karijinni

Boundary: alpine wilderness area

Biome: mountain

Size: imposing

Nature Features: deciduous beech 
(Nothofagus gunnii)

Uncommon Traits: shaggy, flecks, bright markings, tail-tip marking, bold marking
Elemental: morning mist


Fagus was transformed by Thyne, from an old wombat who became lost on the slopes of Cradle Mountain. He'd ventured from the grassy grazing slopes lower down and found himself on a rocky slope dotted with windswept deciduous beech. Thyne discovered him in their wandering, and felt the pull of the lost soul. When he was transformed, he found he was much larger, and his boundary spanned the entirety of the national park.

Fagus is a quiet and reserved esk, who enjoys company in contemplative silence. He adores exploring the mountains and forests and making friends with all the animals and plants. Hikers lost in the mountains may catch a glimpse of his imposing form from time to time, usually in the morning when the mist is just clearing.

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